The values that undergird this vision are:
Trinity Anglican Seminary is an evangelical seminary in the Anglican tradition. In this fractured world, we desire to be a global center for Christian formation, producing outstanding leaders who can plant, renew, and grow churches that make disciples of Jesus Christ. To this end we are forming Christian leaders for mission.
Trinity Anglican Seminary was born in the renewal movement of the 1970s. In 1975, the Rt. Rev. Alfred Stanway, a retired Australian missionary bishop, answered a call from members of the Fellowship of Witness to be Trinity’s first Dean and President. He moved to the Pittsburgh area and set up an office in his home, using his garage for the library. Bishop Stanway had been recommended by John Stott, J.I. Packer, John Guest, and other evangelical leaders for his vision of renewal and his extraordinary ability to translate this vision into a lively Christian body. He called the Rev. Dr. John Rodgers, a professor and chaplain at Virginia Theological Seminary, to be the senior professor.
Classes began in 1976 with a small faculty and 17 students—none with sponsoring bishops—meeting in rented classrooms at a local college. Two years later, the seminary purchased an empty Presbyterian Church in Ambridge, PA and the abandoned supermarket across the street. These buildings were then converted into a campus. Since that time, the Trinity campus has grown steadily, and the same is true of our residential and distance programs, since more than 250 students are currently enrolled. Our alumni, both lay and ordained, are now spread all over the world, making an enormous difference leading institutions and strategic partnerships on every continent besides Antarctica.
For many years, Trinity formed biblically faithful leaders for mission within the Episcopal Church and other provinces of the Anglican Communion. Many of those leaders were instrumental in the development of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), the Global Anglican Futures Conference (GAFCON), and the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA). In other words, Trinity’s role in the realignment of global Anglicanism for a future that is biblical, evangelical, and orthodox has been notable and will continue
Unless otherwise noted, all content is © Trinity Anglican Seminary.
311 Eleventh St. • Ambridge, PA 15003
1-800-874-8754 or 724-266-3838