Ecumenical Partners

The North American Lutheran Seminary

The North American Lutheran Church (NALC) has partnered with Trinity Anglican Seminary to create a “Seminary Center” for the training of future NALC pastors. In a nearly unanimous vote on August 8, 2013, the Convocation of the NALC took action to establish a new North American Lutheran Seminary. This seminary is not a degree granting institution, rather, it partners with existing accredited seminaries, like Trinity, to provide sound theological education for NALC students.

Lutheran students earn their degree from Trinity Anglican Seminary, taking the core courses required in the Master of Divinity (MDiv) curriculum. For some courses they take Lutheran alternatives taught by NALC professors to ensure a solid foundation in confessional Lutheranism.

The Rev. Dr. Eric M. Riesen, is president of the North American Lutheran Seminary.

Master of Divinity (MDiv) - Lutheran (NALS)
Trinity Anglican Seminary
The Rev. Dr. Eric M. Riesen
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Trinity Anglican Seminary
Dr. Alexander H. Pierce
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Trinity Anglican Seminary
Dr. David Luy
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The Evangelical Presbyterian Church - Presbytery of the Alleghenies

In partnership with the Presbytery of the Alleghenies of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Trinity offers a Presbyterian Track for our Master of Divinity curriculum.
Our program is custom designed to meet all of the EPC’s requirements for ordination, including courses in Old Testament, New Testament, Biblical Languages, Systematic Theology, Reformed Theology, Apologetics, Leadership, Presbyterian History and Polity, Church History, Missiology, Homiletics, Evangelism/Disciple Making, and Pastoral Care and Counseling.
Our graduates have performed very well on ordination exams and are serving the church throughout the country.  In addition to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC), we have trained those serving in a variety of presbyterian and reformed denominations including Covenant Order Presbyterians (ECO), the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), Associate Reformed Presbyterians (ARP), and others.  Any students who are reformed and evangelical are encouraged to apply. 

The Rev. Dr. Rich Herbster oversees this program as the Director of Presbyterian Studies.

Trinity Anglican Seminary