Stanway Institute

Trinity Anglican Seminary

Stanway Institute

for World Mission and Evangelism

Trinity Anglican Seminary is to be a global center for Christian formation in the evangelical Anglican tradition, producing outstanding leaders who can plant, renew, and grow churches that make disciples of Jesus Christ. 
To this end we are forming Christian leaders for mission.
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About Us

In 1989, the Stanway Institute was established to equip future missionaries and church planters, and to ensure that the Great Commission of our Lord was never far from the hearts and minds of Trinity’s faculty and students.

Bishop Stanway

The Rt. Rev. Alfred Stanway was born in Australia and at an early age sensed a call to missions in Africa. After he was ordained a priest, he went to Kenya as a missionary with the CMS, arriving in Mombasa in 1937, just as the East Africa Revival was in full swing. After almost 15 years of effective ministry, he was consecrated as the third Bishop of the Diocese of Central Tanganyika. His consecration took place at Westminster Abbey on 2 February 1951.

When he was appointed the bishop, the diocese covered half of the country. During his twenty years as bishop, he focused on building an indigenous church. After four years, he consecrated Yohana Omari in 1955 as his assistant. Omari was the first African to be appointed a bishop in Eastern Africa. Soon, multiple dioceses were created, each with African bishops, and when he left there was an African Archbishop over the entire province. He also left behind strong educational and medical ministries as well as a publishing house, the Central Tanganyika Press.

After Alf and his wife Marjory retired from missionary service, they intended to spend the rest of their lives at home in Australia. In 1975, he was surprised to be called to the USA of all places, to serve as the first Dean President of a new seminary called the Trinity Anglican Seminary, where he served until 1978.

Global Vision

Cross Cultural Immersions

Trinity’s first Dean/President, the Rt. Rev. Alfred Stanway, served in East Africa, planting up to a church a week. In that spirit, we hope to build missionary enthusiasm and practice into the fabric of Trinity.

Trinity's Mission Expo

Trinity’s first Dean/President, the Rt. Rev. Alfred Stanway, served in East Africa, planting up to a church a week. In that spirit, we hope to build missionary enthusiasm and practice into the fabric of Trinity.

Global Scholarship

Majority World Scholars

Trinity’s first Dean/President, the Rt. Rev. Alfred Stanway, served in East Africa, planting up to a church a week. In that spirit, we hope to build missionary enthusiasm and practice into the fabric of Trinity.

The Visiting Scholars Program

Trinity’s first Dean/President, the Rt. Rev. Alfred Stanway, served in East Africa, planting up to a church a week. In that spirit, we hope to build missionary enthusiasm and practice into the fabric of Trinity.

Global Partners

Trinity's Mission Partnerships

Trinity’s first Dean/President, the Rt. Rev. Alfred Stanway, served in East Africa, planting up to a church a week. In that spirit, we hope to build missionary enthusiasm and practice into the fabric of Trinity.

Anglican Global Mission Partners

Trinity’s first Dean/President, the Rt. Rev. Alfred Stanway, served in East Africa, planting up to a church a week. In that spirit, we hope to build missionary enthusiasm and practice into the fabric of Trinity.