At Trinity, we form Christian leaders for mission in a distinctively Anglican Way. We approach formation with a focus on the heart and mind, so our residential experience is designed to cultivate Christian fellowship in the context of prayer, worship, learning, and mission. Through mutual accountability among students, pastoral guidance by faculty and staff, and the fostering of friendships, a Trinity education is deeply formative and life changing.
All residential students and faculty gather in the Trinity Chapel for the daily office and eucharist on Wednesdays and high feast Days. Likewise, the entire Trinity community gathers for lunch in our Commons Hall every day of the week besides Fridays. Thursdays are “family days,” so our campus is buzzing with the children of students, faculty, and staff.
We encourage students and their spouses to actively attend to community needs. Parents, for example, assist each other with childcare, while students lead various community-oriented initiatives such as prayer gatherings, discussion groups, service projects, and other ministries.
Academically, Trinity identifies as a “school for ministry” because, although our educational programs are rigorous, we exist to serve Jesus Christ and His church. Our purpose is to train leaders for ministry in the mission of Jesus Christ. The Anglican Church in North America’s provincial offices are just a few blocks away, as are several other key Anglican ministries, such as the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, the Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders (SAMS), and Rock the World Youth Mission Alliance. Trinity students find many opportunities to serve and work with these sister ministries.
Our facilities include the Trinity Chapel, the Trophimus Center, the Library and Academic building, Commons Hall, the Administration Building, the Media Center, and Student Housing. The Commons Hall is a community hub, hosting a bookstore, dining area, and space for various community activities. The Trophimus Center is a newly renovated, state of the art conference center and worship space designed to host weekly Eucharist, Trinity events such as Commencement, conferences, and individual lectures, as well as large gatherings of the ACNA and other ministries..
Our Library boasts over 100,000 volumes, particularly strong in biblical studies and Anglican theology, with online access and nationwide interlibrary loans. Our classrooms are spacious and equipped with online access. Housing options include Trinity-owned apartments and a variety of houses located in the neighborhoods surrounding campus.
Unless otherwise noted, all content is © Trinity Anglican Seminary
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