Ripley Scholarship

Henry Ripley Memorial Alumni Scholarship

The Ripley Scholarship is awarded based on individual merit and financial need. Applicants must hold a Master’s Degree from Trinity and be pursuing a doctoral degree (Ph.D./Th.D.) in a theological field. 

Applications must be submitted by June 30 for the next academic year. Awards are made to qualified applicants by July 31.


Checklist for complete application:

  • Ripley Scholarship Application (see below)
  • Curriculum Vitae (please limit to 1 page)
  • Official transcript from doctoral institution, or, if newly-admitted, official acceptance letter

Please email your Curriculum Vitae and transcript/acceptance letter to the Financial Aid Office with the subject line “Ripley Materials”


Ripley Alumni Scholarship

Used to mail check, if awarded
Include institution name and program website
Degree Program(Required)
May be tentative
May be tentative
Please describe why you feel called to pursue an advanced degree.

Financial Information - Income Sources

Please fill in the amount of each category to the best of your knowledge. For non-applicable categories, please enter $0

Financial Information - Debt and Expenses

Please fill in the amount of each category to the best of your knowledge. For non-applicable categories, please enter $0
Monthly Payment
Total Amount Owed
Monthly Payment
Total Amount Owed
Monthly Payment
Total Amount Owed
Monthly Payment
Total Amount Owed
Monthly Payment
Total Amount Owed
Please use the space below to explain any special financial circumstances that you anticipate for the upcoming academic year.


Typing your full name here functions as an electronic signature for this application.
Today's date
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.