
Trinity Anglican Seminary

Dean & President

The Very Rev'd Canon Dr. Bryan C. Hollon

Before joining Trinity, Bryan served for sixteen years as a Professor of Theology at Malone University in Canton, Ohio. He was also the City Director of the C.S. Lewis Institute of Northeast Ohio. In 2017, he and his wife Suzanne, planted St. John’s Anglican Church in North Canton, Ohio. Bryan pastored and grew the church so that a full-time rector could be called in 2021. As a scholar, Dr. Hollon specializes in ressourcement theology, which is best exemplified in the work of Henri de Lubac. As a seminary Dean and President, he is always interested in the ways that Christians and Christian churches engage contemporary culture and remain faithful to the gospel in different contexts. Dr. Hollon is a proponent of the great consensual tradition that C.S. Lewis referred to as “Mere Christianity.” He and Suzanne grew up on different ends of the great state of Texas and met as undergraduate students at Baylor University. They were married in 1993 and have three grown children, all living in Ohio: Harrison, Claire, and John.

Trinity Anglican Seminary

President's Cabinet

Current Members

The Very Rev. Canon Bryan C. Hollon, Ph.D.

Dean & President

The Rev. Alex Banfield Hicks

Director of Church Partnerships & Leadership Development

The Rev. Canon Wes Jagoe

Director of Chapel and the Trophimus Center

Ms. Allyson Martin

Executive Assistant to the Dean President and Board of Trustees

Mr. James Rider

Director of Philanthropic and Legacy Gifts

The Rev. Dr. Brad Roderick

Vice President of Academic Affairs

Ms. Carrie Shrewsbury

Director of Development

Mr. Russell Vincent Warren

Vice President of Administration & Interim Title IX Coordinator

Trinity Anglican Seminary

Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis (Betsy)


Retired, Partner, Cooley LLP

Charlottesville, VA

The Most Rev. Robert W. Duncan

Second Vice Chair

Bishop in Residence, St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral
Archbishop Emeritus, Anglican Church in North America

Retired Bishop, The Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh
*Occasional Adjunct Professor

Donegal, PA

Mr. Douglas Wicker
First Vice Chaire

Executive Vice President, PNC Bank

Sewickley, PA

Mr. Belton Zeigler

Partner, Womble Bond Dickinson (US), LLP

Columbia, SC

Mr. John Allison
Secretary of the Board

Partner, K&L Gates

Charlotte, NC

The Rev. Canon Dr. Alison L. Barfoot
Assistant Secretary to the Board
Assistant to the Archbishop for International Relations,
Uganda, Africa

Mr. R. Wicks Stephens II
Chancellor (former), Anglican Communion Network
Sewickley, PA

The Most Rev. Dr. Foley Beach
Former Archbishop, Anglican Church in North America
Bishop, Anglican Diocese of the South
Loganville, GA

The Rev. Dr. W. Ross Blackburn
Rector, Christ the King Anglican Fellowship
Boone, NC

Mrs. Fran Alexander Cade
Owner, Diversified Label Images, Inc
Irondale, AL

The Rt. Rev. Alex Cameron
Bishop, The Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh
Wexford, PA

The Rt. Rev. Paul Donison
Rector and Dean, Christ Church Cathedral, Plano
General Secretary for GAFCON
Plano, TX

The Rt. Rev. Charles “Chip” Edgar, III
Bishop, The Anglican Diocese of South Carolina
Charleston, SC

The Very Rev. Cn. Bryan C. Hollon, Ph.D.
Dean & President, Trinity Anglican Seminary
Ambridge, PA

The Rev. Dr. Jessica Jones
Archdeacon & Canon for Leadership, Gulf Atlantic Diocese
Associate Academic Dean & Thesis Director, The Webber Institute for Worship Studies
Diocesan Canon Coordinator, Next Generation Leadership Initiative, ACNA
St. Augustine, FL

The Rev. Dr. John D. Koch (Jady)
Rector, St. Luke’s Church
Hilton Head Island, SC

The Most Rev. Dr. Benjamin Kwashi
Archbishop of Jos, Nigeria
Jos, Nigeria, Africa

The Rev. Ethan Magness
Rector, Grace Anglican Church
Grove City, PA

Mr. Jim Maples
Business Development, SRM Concrete
Tallahassee, FL

The Rev. Jeff Miller

Rector, St. Philip’s Church

Charleston, SC

Mr. Joseph Pajer
Chief Executive Officer and President of Seegrid Corporation
Pittsburgh, PA

Mr. Chris Roth
Retired, President of Eastern Division of Trammell Crow
McLean, VA

Mr. William H. Sands, IV (Tom)
Vice President, Product, for Seegrid Corporation
Sewickley, PA

Mr. Henry W. Trimble, III (Terry)
CEO, The Trimble Company
Charleston, SC

Mr. Garland S. Tucker III
Retired Chairman/CEO, Triangle Capital Corp.
Raleigh, NC

The Rt. Rev. Chris Warner

Bishop for the Anglican Diocese of the Mid Atlantic

Occoquan, VA

Mr. Alexander W. Whitaker IV (Alex/Whit)
Retired President, King University
Bristol, TN

Dr. Jonathan Yonan


North Garden, VA

Trustees Emeritus

The Rt. Rev. FitzSimons Allison
Episcopal Bishop of South Carolina (retired)
Georgetown, SC

Mrs. Marcia Ross Blackburn
Lay Leader
Vero Beach, FL

Mr. A. Hugo BlankingshipJr.
Founding Member (retired), Counsel for Blankingship & Keith, PC
Fairfax, VA

The Rev. Geoffrey W. Chapman
Rector (retired), St. Stephen’s Church
Sewickley, PA

Mr. Peter Clark
University Park, MD

Mrs. Thomas Francis (Joan)
Lay Leader
Edwards, CO

The Rev. Dr. John Guest
Minister-at-Large, Christ Church Grove Farm
Founding Member of Trinity Anglican Seminary
Sewickley, PA

The Rt. Rev. Alden M. Hathaway
Bishop in Residence, Parish Church of St. Helena
Beaufort, SC

Dr. Michael W. Howell
Sales and Lease Consultant, Fermon Ford
St. Petersburg, FL

Mr. Ross M. Lindsay, III (Buddy)
Tax Attorney
Pawley’s Island, SC

Mrs. Sarah (Sally) McCollum
Lay Leader
Houston, TX

Mr. William F. Roemer
CEO, National City Bank of PA (retired)
Sewickley, PA

The Rev. Canon David H. Roseberry
Executive Director, Leaderworks
Plano, TX

The Rev. Ted Schroder
Pastor (retired), Amelia Plantation Chapel
Amelia Island, FL

Mr. Stuart P. Simpson
Consultant to faith-based non-profits
VP, Westinghouse (retired)
Verona, PA

The Very Rev. Dr. Paul F. M. Zahl
Dean and President Emeritus, Trinity Anglican Seminary
Winter Garden, FL

The Rt. Rev. Mark Lawrence
Retired Bishop, The Anglican Diocese of South Carolina
Charleston, SC