Atonement Theologies


Atonement Theologies

Spring 2025

Course Description

This is a seminar course, the success of which relies on a combination of professor lectures, student presentations, and student participation. The course examines prominent Christian understandings of the atoning work of Christ throughout church history. Each perspective is assessed in respect to its biblical basis, historical and cultural context, and contribution to the Christian theological tradition. The course concludes with the study and assessment of a contemporary theological treatment of the Atonement.

Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Joel Scandrett

The Rev. Dr. Joel Scandrett bio.

Book List

Primary Texts: Core reading for this course will consist of selections from primary texts by historic authors (e.g., Athanasius, Anselm, Abelard, Aquinas, etc.). These selections will be posted through Canvas.

Witt, William, and Joel Scandrett. Mapping Atonement: The Doctrine of Reconciliation in Christian History and Theology. Baker Academic, 2022. ISBN: 978-0801030680. $13.49.

Torrance, Thomas F. The Mediation of Christ, revised edition. Helmers & Howard, 1992. ISBN: 978-0939443505. This book is out of print, but is available used; prices vary. I am in contact with the publisher regarding permission to scan portions of it, if possible.

Johnson, Adam, ed. T&T Clark Companion to Atonement. Bloomsbury/T&T Clark, 2017. $40.00 paperback, $30.00 Kindle. Will place on library reserve for residential students.


If this is your first credit class at Trinity, or you are not taking the course as part of a degree, please complete the non-matriculated application. A bachelor’s degree is required to obtain credit.

To register to audit a Master’s Level course, please complete an audit application.