Spring 2025
This is the second of two courses in homiletics. It is assumed that students have already had the basic homiletical instruction of the first course. This course continues to pursue the development of both the theology and practice of preaching. Topics include preaching Christ from all of scripture, preaching for special occasions, as well as many other aspects of homiletics. Students will prepare and deliver four sermons (if class size is too large, it is possible that this will be reduced to three sermons) in class and receive feedback from the instructor and fellow students.
The Rev. Dr. Rich Herbster bio.
Chapell, Bryan. Christ-Centered Preaching: Third Edition. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2018. ISBN 978-0801099748. $25.71.
Robinson, Haddon. Biblical Preaching: Third Edition. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2014. ISBN 978-0801049125. $16.59.
If this is your first credit class at Trinity, or you are not taking the course as part of a degree, please complete the non-matriculated application. A bachelor’s degree is required to obtain credit.
To register to audit a Master’s Level course, please complete an audit application.
Unless otherwise noted, all content is © Trinity Anglican Seminary.
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