This course introduces the theological and pedagogical principles undergirding the ministry of catechesis by providing a blend of both theoretical and practical skills for cradle to grave discipleship. This course will expose the student to a wide variety of readings in the Christian tradition and to a wide range of Christian spiritual practices. It will provide a forum in which to explore a variety of these practices and reflect on them with sisters and brothers in faith, across jurisdictional and denominational boundaries. Although special attention will be paid to the Anglican patrimony, our studies will be in the spirit of Nicene ecumenism within the wider context of Christendom. The express goal of this course is to inform the doctrinal and spiritual formation of the participant, such that they will be able to engage in effective catechetical ministry.
Taught by Dr. Leslie F. Thyberg
Unless otherwise noted, all content is © Trinity Anglican Seminary.
311 Eleventh St. • Ambridge, PA 15003
1-800-874-8754 or 724-266-3838