Master of Arts – Religion (Lutheran MAR)


Master of Arts – Religion (Lutheran MAR)

Master of Arts – Religion (Lutheran MAR)

Do you sense a call to ministry and are you craving theological clarity and spiritual depth? Are you looking to enliven your heart and enrich your mind by engaging with Trinity’s core theological disciplines, while giving yourself the freedom of choosing eight elective courses? 

The Master of Arts – Religion degree (MAR) is 49 credits.  The MAR can be completed entirely in residence at our Ambridge campus, online, or a hybrid of both; many MAR electives can be completed at our January and June intensives.  

Residential students generally take 4-5 courses per term in Fall and Spring, supplementing as desired with January & June intensives.  Most residential students graduate after 2 years of full-time study.  Distance students generally take 1-2 courses per term in Fall, Spring, and Summer, supplementing with January & June intensives.  Most distance students graduate after 3-5 years of part-time study.

MAR students can choose to declare an “emphasis” through the selection of their general electives (possibilities include Biblical Languages, Biblical Studies, Church History, Theology, Practical Theology, etc.).

A Lutheran track in partnership with the North American Lutheran Seminary (NALS) and a Presbyterian track in partnership with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) are also available.  Please see Our Programs Additional Tracks section for more information.  More information about the NALS and EPC Partnerships is available here.



Application Deadlines

Fall Start: July 1
Spring Start: December 1


The Curriculum


Core Requirements (24 credits)
BI500 Biblical Interpretation
OT500 Introduction to Old Testament*
NT500 Introduction to New Testament*
PT700 Spiritual Formation: Catechesis and Discipleship
ST540 Creeds and Catechisms
ST550  Lutheran Confessions
CH600 CH600 Introduction to Church History (NALS)
PT670 Introduction to Lutheran Liturgy
General Electives (24 credits)
  • Choose 8 additional courses
Capstone (1 credit, final term)
Portfolio of program artifacts and final integrative paper
Non-Credit Requirement