Master of Divinity (MDiv) – Presbyterian (EPC)


Master of Divinity (MDiv) – Presbyterian (EPC)

Are you looking to be fully equipped as a future leader in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church? Are you keen to enliven your heart and enrich your mind through a deep dive into the fields of Biblical Languages and Interpretation, Biblical Studies, Church History, Theology, Missions, and Practical Theology?

The Master of Divinity degree (MDiv) is 94 credits.  The MDiv can be completed entirely in residence at our Ambridge campus; 70 credit hours of the MDiv can be completed through online courses and/or the Church-Based Pathway, a partnership between Trinity and a local mentor.  A residential requirement of 24 credits (equivalent to one year of full-time study) is required, which can be completed either during the Fall/Spring terms on Trinity’s Ambridge campus or through participation in our January and June Intensives.

Residential students generally take 4-5 courses per term in Fall and Spring, supplementing as desired with January & June intensives.  Most residential students graduate after 3-4 years of full-time study.  Distance students generally take 1-2 courses per term in Fall, Spring, and Summer, supplementing with January & June intensives.  Most distance students graduate after 5-7 years of part-time study.

Application Deadlines

Fall Start: July 1

Spring Start: December 1


The Curriculum – Presbyterian Track – in partnership with the EPC: Presbytery of the Alleghenies

Biblical Interpretation & Languages (21 credits) Systematic Theology (15 credits)
BI500 Biblical Interpretation ST620 Apologetics
BL631 Hebrew I ST625 God the Father: Trinity, Creation, & the Fall
BL632 Hebrew II ST635 God the Son: Incarnation, Reconciliation, & Salvation
BL651 Greek I ST645 God the Holy Spirit: Church, Ministry, & Sacraments
BL652 Greek II ST745 Reformed Theology I
OT700 Hebrew Exegesis ST746 Reformed Theology II
NT700 Greek Exegesis ST750 Ethics
Biblical Studies (12 credits) Pastoral Theology (21 credits)
OT500 Introduction to Old Testament PT550 Homiletics I
NT500 Introduction to New Testament PT650 Homiletics II
OT6xx Old Testament Elective PT642 Reformed Worship & Polity
NT6xx New Testament Elective PT700 Spiritual Formation: Catechesis & Discipleship
Church History (9 credits) PT710 Pastoral Care & Counseling
CH625 Early Church History PT770 Pastoral Leadership
CH635 Medieval & Early Modern Church History PT Elective (Choose one course from PTST740, PT645, PTST750)
CH646 Modern Church (Presbyterian Focus) Non-Academic Degree Requirements
Mission (6 credits) Ministry Apprenticeship English Bible Exam
ME500 Introduction to World Mission Cross-Cultural Immersion Liturgical Practica
ME600 Mission & Evangelism: Church Planting Other requirements listed in the Academic Catalog