The John H. Rodgers Lecture Series

Article XVII as a Guide to the Christian Worldview

Dr. Martin Davie

October 30, 2024

New Time – 10:15 am

Commons Hall, Trinity Anglican Seminary

All registered guests are warmly invited to join us for our Eucharist Service (8:30 am in the Trinity Chapel) and coffee hour (approx. 9:30 am) in the Commons Hall preceding the lecture.

The great twentieth-century Christian apologist C. S. Lewis argues in his famous essay, “On reading old books,” that Christians who are seeking wisdom for the present should be assiduous in giving attention to Christian writings from previous centuries. In his lecture, Church of England author and theologian, Dr. Martin Davie will follow Lewis’ advice by offering a careful reading of Article XVII “Of Predestination and Election” of the Thirty-Nine Articles. 

Dr. Davie will explain that a careful reading of the Article provides us with answers to questions that concern all Christians such as: How can we know what God is like and his will for our lives?  What is the purpose of human existence? How can this purpose be achieved in the face of human sinfulness?

Event Registration


Dr. Martin Davie

Dr. Martin Davie is a lay Anglican theologian who is married to Alyson, a parish priest in the Church of England. From 1993 to 2000 he taught at Oak Hill Theological College in London and from 2000-2013 he worked for the Church of England as the Theological Secretary to the Council for Christian Unity,  Theological Secretary to the Faith and Order Commission, and Theological Consultant to the  House of Bishops. Since 2013 he has been a theological consultant to the Church of England Evangelical Council and a Fellow of the Latimer Trust, and has taught part time at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. Martin is the author of numerous books and articles and blogs at ‘Reflections of an Anglican Theologian’ (

About the John H. Rodgers Lecture Series

In 1976, John Rodgers became a founding member of what was then known as Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry. In addition to his role as a professor of theology, John served as Dean President from 1978 to 1990 and returned as interim Dean President for a year, beginning in 2007. Under his leadership, Trinity grew to become the most important evangelical voice among seminaries in The Episcopal Church.

Bp. Rodgers was known throughout the Anglican Communion as one of its foremost evangelical theologians. During his career, he worked alongside other orthodox, evangelical Anglicans to commend traditional Christian teaching as essential for the healing of a fractured world. It is often said that Bp. John’s career was guided by two great loves: Trinity Anglican Seminary and the Thirty Nine Articles of Religion.

For this reason, Trinity Anglican Seminary has established the John H. Rodgers Lecture Series to honor and memorialize Bp. John and to continue his legacy of commending the Anglican way of reformed, apostolic Catholicism. The John H. Rodgers Lecture Series explores theological distinctives of the English Reformation, including distinctives found in the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion. The lectures are held annually near Reformation Day and launched in 2023.