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Professor of Systematic Theology

Dr. William G. Witt

BA, Rockmont College, 1977
MA summa cum laude, St. Thomas Seminary, 1981
PhD, University of Notre Dame, 1993

When I began my doctoral studies, I had just been confirmed as an Episcopalian. Originally, I had intended to major in Historical Theology, but switched to Systematics after reading in Stephen Sykes classic work The Integrity of Anglicanism, that Anglican theology had lost its way in the 20th century because of a neglect of Systematic Theology. After finishing my doctoral degree, I had hoped to teach Systematic Theology at an orthodox Episcopal seminary, but did not find work after graduation, and turned to other ways to make a living. After a few years outside academia, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to interview at Trinity, and was given the opportunity to be a one-year Visiting Professor in the fall of 2007. I was hired as residential faculty the next year, and have been teaching here for almost two decades now.

Professor of Systematic Theology

Dr. William G. Witt

BA, Rockmont College, 1977
MA summa cum laude, St. Thomas Seminary, 1981
PhD, University of Notre Dame, 1993

When I began my doctoral studies, I had just been confirmed as an Episcopalian. Originally, I had intended to major in Historical Theology, but switched to Systematics after reading in Stephen Sykes classic work The Integrity of Anglicanism, that Anglican theology had lost its way in the 20th century because of a neglect of Systematic Theology. After finishing my doctoral degree, I had hoped to teach Systematic Theology at an orthodox Episcopal seminary, but did not find work after graduation, and turned to other ways to make a living. After a few years outside academia, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to interview at Trinity, and was given the opportunity to be a one-year Visiting Professor in the fall of 2007. I was hired as residential faculty the next year, and have been teaching here for almost two decades now.

Research Interests

Bill’s research interests are historical and contemporary theology; the relation between medieval and Reformation theology; spiritual theology and the history of Christian spirituality; theological methodology; philosophical theology, especially, the transformation of classical epistemology and metaphysics by the uniquely Christian doctrines of creation, incarnation, and grace.

Workshops, Lectures, & Retreats

Speaking Topics:

– Topics in Systematic Theology
– English and Anglican Divines and spiritual writers (Julian of Norwich, Walter Hilton, George Herbert, Thomas Traherne, etc.)
– Issues in philosophical theology
– Thomas Aquinas
– Karl Barth
– C.S. Lewis and the Inklings
– The ordination of women to church office

  • “Reformation Anglicanism,” Anglican Diocese of CANA, San Antonio, TX (August 2013).
  • “John Donne’s Path of Repentance,” St. Stephens Anglican Church, Sewickley, PA (April 2014).
  • “Grace and Gratitude: Creation and Cross in the Anglican Spirituality of Thomas Traherne,” Cranmer Society Conference,  Webster, NY (August 23-24, 2014)
  • “Grace and Gratitude: Creation and Cross in the Anglican Spirituality of Thomas Traherne,” Professor Roderick Whitacre Retirement Celebration, Trinity Anglican Seminary (April 10, 2015)
  • ‟C. S. Lewis on the Problem of Suffering and Evil,” Sewickley Presbyterian Church, Sewickley, PA (March 19, 2017)
  • “An Anglican Reflection on the Filioque,” Evangelical Theological Society, Fort Worth, TX (November 19, 2021)Evangelical Theological Society 
  • “The Resurrection of Jesus” (three lectures), St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Akron, Ohio (May 21, 28, and June 4, 2023)

I am a lay member of the Diocese of Pittsburgh in the Anglican Church, and served on the Commission on Ministry from 2015-2020 as well as the ACNA Catechism Task Force.

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Publications & Research



Icons of Christ: A Biblical and Systematic Theology for Women’s Ordination. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2020.


With Joel Scandrett. Mapping Atonement: The Doctrine of Reconciliation in Christian History and Theology. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2022.




“Flight From Transcendence: Bishop Spong’s Doctrine of God,” Can A Bishop Be Wrong? Ten Scholars Challenge John Shelby Spong, ed. Peter C. Moore (Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse Publishing, 1998)


“He Suffered Death and Was Buried: Reflections on a Constitutive Doctrine of Atonement,” The Rule of Faith: Scripture, Canon, and Creed in a Critical Age, ed. Ephraim Radner, George R. Sumner (Harrisburg, Pa: Morehouse, 1998)


“George Herbert’s Approach to God: The Faith and Spirituality of a Country Priest,”  Theology Today July 2003


“General Convention and Its Aftermath: Non-Theological Interpretations and a Theological Alternative,”  Trinity Journal for Theology and Ministry, Fall 2008


“Critical Orthodoxy and the Christology of Luke-Acts or Were the Apostles Adoptionists?,” Trinity Journal for Theology and Ministry, Spring 2009


Book Review: “David DeSilva, Sacramental Life,” Trinity Journal for Theology and Ministry (Fall 2009)


“The Trinitarian Structure of Resurrection Faith,” Trinity Journal for Theology & Ministry, Spring 2010


“Richard Hays’s Challenge to the Just War Tradition” in Noah Berlatsky, ed. Opposing Viewpoints: Pacifism. Gale/Cenage Ltd 2011


“Icons of Christ,” The Living Church September 9, 2012 


Review, “Gilles Emery & Matthew Levering, The Oxford Handbook of the Trinity,” The Living Church August 12, 2012


“Don’t Cheat the Prophet,” The Living Church, May 17, 2013


“Anglican Reflections on Justification by Faith,”  Anglican Theological Review Winter 2013


Anonymous Pre-Publication Book Review, Inter-Varsity Press, 2014


Review, “A.N. Williams, The Architecture of Theology: Scripture, System, and Ratio,” International Journal of Systematic Theology 17(3) July 2015


Review, ‟Robert W. Jenson, Theology as Revisionary Metaphysics: Essays on God and Creation,” International Journal of  Systematic Theology 18(4) October 2016

‟Creation and Cross in the Anglican Spirituality of Thomas Traherne,” Pro Ecclesia, 25 no 4 Fall 2016: 413-43


Anonymous Pre-Publication Review Modern Theology, Summer 2018

Anonymous Pre-publication Review for Gender and History, 2021

“Women’s Ordination in Modern America.” Short article for Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (DeGruyter), December 2021 (forthcoming)